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7 UX best practices for managing multiple financial services brands

Two financial services colleagues working at a laptop
Image by Sarah Kula Marketing Designer

金融服务企业在其大型组织的保护伞下拥有多个产品和品牌是很常见的. Managing these numerous sites can be unruly and create usability, accessibility, and technology issues for users and those managing these digital assets. 

我们已经帮助许多中端市场和企业团队吸引和留住客户 modern digital experiences that meet and exceed customer expectations. Even though every company is different, there are some commonalities in this process that can benefit anyone. 了解金融服务机构如何成功地监督各种相关品牌.

7 best practices for improving your customer’s experience

1. Reimagine your login experience

Many companies have different platforms for each financial product, and each of those platforms has its own login experience and credentials. People often don’t know what product they have; they just know they’re with your company. 您可以为每个人提供一组与公司内所有产品绑定的凭据. 

So instead of a customer having to locate the correct product before logging in, they just log in, and the business knows what products they have and can manage. 另一种选择就像去银行,柜员在要求提供账号之前询问他们有什么类型的账户.

Offer a no-login-required experience

您可以向客户提供有价值的信息,而不需要隐藏在登录屏幕后面. 提供一些不需要登录的cta可以改善你当前客户(和潜在客户)的体验.

如果用户试图寻找新的供应商,他们可能正处于营销渠道的意识或转换阶段, forcing them to provide personal information could deter them from converting. 创建一个路径和CTA——“寻找金融专业人士”——允许他们找到有价值的信息(代理), reviews, etc.),而不会被迫交出个人信息,这可能会增加他们对决策过程的信心,并带来更好的整体体验.


2. Clarify site navigation

Don’t make users work harder than they need to when moving through your site(s). 清楚地指出链接何时会打开另一个选项卡、提示下载或打开PDF. And make sure to use specific CTA text. “Learn more” is familiar but vague. Help your audience understand more clearly what they’ll find when they click. 

Looking to improve your customer experience?


For example, maybe your company offers educational resources for retirement and investing; a CTA linking to a blog post could read “Get ready for retirement.” Perhaps you offer information on tools customers can use to manage their financial health; the CTA could read “Access the toolkit.” In both these instances, 你的cta可以让用户清楚地知道链接的另一边是什么,以及它提供的潜在价值.

3. Examine your sites’ information architecture

Is the information on your site(s) placed when and where users need it? Timely, actionable information that is easily accessible is hugely successful. 与裁员或COVID-19等及时问题相关的资源放在前台和中心位置,帮助客户了解他们的产品或服务如何受到影响,或者您的业务如何解决当前问题. The more specific you can be, the better. Think about your offering and how it interacts with the situation at hand.

4. Design with mobile at the forefront

We’re always on the go, and customers are used to having access to their finances anytime, anywhere. 这意味着你的客户会花很多时间在他们的移动设备上,并且看重获取资金的自由, make investments, etc., on your mobile application. 花时间和资源确保你的产品是为现代移动体验而设计的——赢得客户的信任.  

5. Create clear pathways to customer support

有时,在处理金融交易时与人交谈更容易,也更有必要. 确保你的数字金融服务产品为客户与你的客户服务团队建立了清晰的世界杯押注平台渠道. 在财务紧急时刻,无缝的客户支持体验可以建立或破坏信任. 

For example, 一个聊天机器人,可以快速收集客户的信息,并在正确的部门为他们提供正确的服务代表. 不要一开始就把客户送到堆积如山的帮助页面上,而是提供多种世界杯押注平台客户服务的方式. Whether by chatbot, email, or phone, 您的应用程序应该设计成能够有效地引导客户到他们需要去的地方去获得他们的答案.

6. Include easy-to-understand data visualization

We all do it; when presented with a slew of numbers, we quickly try to do the math in our heads—the pressure is on. Working with numbers and finances can be high-stress, 因此,请确保您的客户可以轻松地通过易于理解的数据可视化来翻译信息. 当有人想要了解其金融投资的进展或细分时,条形图或线形图可以大有帮助. 这种视觉描述可以消除复杂性,并迅速提供他们所需的细节. 

7. Utilize personalization and tailored content

每个客户都是不同的,在金融服务领域,你可能不会看到两个相同的客户. What may be important to one person might not be to the next. So, 您的数字应用程序必须足够灵活,以便为客户提供他们想要和需要的个性化. Remember, there is a fine line between helpful, relevant content and highlighting too much personal information. 

有用的个性化的一个例子可能是根据客户的兴趣为他们提供投资趋势,以帮助他们做出投资决策. 允许客户查看与他们的基金相关的快速图表和简短摘要,而不必挖掘大量的信息,这对建立信心大有帮助. 这些快速点击可以作为进入客户可能有兴趣了解的进一步资源的入口点. 通过提供基于他们需求的个性化信息和思想领导机会来建立信任,这会让你保持领先.

Better UX for multiple financial services brands

在一个保护伞下管理这些不同的品牌是复杂的,即使是最有经验的团队也可能出错. 当客户试图在子品牌和网站之间导航并遇到可用性时,他们会感到受到打击, accessibility, and tech issues. 

如果你的公司正在努力建立和维护吸引和留住客户的现代数字体验, these best practices can help you get there. 

Want to learn more about how to manage multiple financial services brands better? Schedule a call with us.

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