


服务设计 是一种设计吗. It’s similar to product design or interaction design, but is more abstract. 你不能把一项服务拿在手里评估它.

服务是以下内容的组合 接触点 that can involve a mix of physical, digital, 和 human interactions. 服务设计 是故意的吗?, holistic creation of those 接触点 和 the experience a customer has with an organization. 这是关于完整的 顾客之旅, 他们为什么参与, 他们需要什么, 他们想要什么, 在合理的限制条件下世界杯押注.

在设计的世界里有很多术语设计思考, 体验设计, UX, UI, 交互设计, 以用户为中心设计, 客户体验, 等.它可能感觉像 服务设计 只是另一个流行语吗. 公司使用这些术语来区分自己, 和 it can be overwhelming when trying to underst和 which terms are different 和 which terms actually 事.

然而,我认为服务设计是不同的. 这不仅仅是一个流行语,这个术语 事. 服务设计为整个设计过程带来了更多的层次. 就像我上面提到的,这是关于所有的接触点. 你必须理解和考虑一个过程的许多阶段, 不同的用户有不同的目标, 以及不同的情绪, all while designing individual interactions at each touchpoint to create overall cohesion.

我们都会定期体验服务. 想想汽车保险——定期付款, 代理, 在需要之前,这些报道都是抽象的. 或者考虑一下公共交通——车票或公交卡, 用来补充过境余额的网站或售货亭, 交通工具本身. 两者都是由许多接触点组成的服务.


大约一个月前,我不得不把我的车送去做一次35000英里的检查. 我有一辆丰田车,里面有丰田关怀系统. ToyotaCare is Toyota’s way of planning out the 服务s their customers need for the first 20,000 miles (or two years) with the option to purchase the 服务 to cover up to 45,000英里(或额外两年). 丰田本身的规模要大得多, 复杂的服务, 但是现在, 我只关注一部分,我的35,000英里的检查和分解接触点.

甚至在到达经销商之前, I was reminded of my upcoming appointment by a little sticker placed in the upper-left corner of my car windshield. This sticker indicates the mileage at which I need to schedule my next appointment. 那个小贴纸是 第一次接触点 35000英里的保养检查.

我使用在线门户网站来安排我的约会——这是我的 第二个接触点. All my information is saved in their system; they know what ToyotaCare stage is coming next for me 和 automatically make suggestions, so I confirmed the 服务s 和 chose from the appointments available on their calendar.

大约在预约前一周, I got a confirmation email for the scheduled appointment as well as a reminder email. 这些是 第三和第四个接触点.

I drove into the dealership the day of my appointment 和 as soon as I arrived someone welcomed me, 检查了我车的里程数, 给我的钥匙贴上标签, 然后把我送到里面的桌子前 第五个接触点.

内部, 一个代表示意我过去, checked me in 和 asked if I was waiting or dropping off (I was waiting so my car gets priority)—my 第六个接触点. I asked the rep some very specific questions about what I had left within my ToyotaCare 和 by when I needed to use them. 他查了一些资料,回答了我的问题.

然后我找了个座位等着. 不太明显,但这是我的 第七个接触点 (Toyota has considered this downtime): they provide some light refreshments, 电视, 还有办公桌,以防你需要世界杯押注. 没什么了不起的, but it shows that they’ve thought about the waiting experience of their customers.

Once my car was complete, the same rep who checked me in came out to find me—my 第八个接触点. 我喜欢这是同一个代表, because he referenced the questions I had earlier 和 actually took the time to double check what he told me. 这是我那天经历的一个很好的结束.

他递给我一张确认书——我的 第九个接触点-还有我的钥匙,我就完事了.

我收到一封感谢信,我的 第十个也是最后一个接触点 那天晚些时候,我要进行35000英里的体检.

Toyota has crafted their 服务 of ToyotaCare to help their customers maintain their vehicles. 前两年包括在购买新车时, 但我觉得这项服务很有价值, I purchased the next two years when I completed the included 服务s last summer—paying extra for the convenience of the 服务. 所以现在, 所有的维护检查接触点都为我计划好了, 如果我需要的话,还会提供持续的路边援助, 到2019年5月.

“服务设计”这个术语很有分量. 许多不同尺寸的零件, 属性和复杂性是创建完整的必要条件, 一致的体验. Each piece could be improved on its own, but not optimized without consideration of the whole. My Toyota example is 只是 one small part of the complete ToyotaCare 服务, 其中包括路边援助, 现场检查, 跟踪服务的小册子, 和 more—but it all comes together in the overall design of the ToyotaCare 服务.


世界杯押注, we’ve always described ourselves as providing optimal experiences for our clients’ customers 和 employees. 这些体验通常侧重于数字设计. So, 无论好坏, we are often placed into the UX bucket—a bucket that’s confined by the screen 和 how a user flows from the moment they reach a l和ing page. 然而,我们通常在那之前就开始了.

Our team looks 除了 the screen 和 除了 the moment that digital tool or website is used. 我们深入用户的生活, 看看他们的日常生活, 了解他们的短期和长期目标. We paint a picture of their full experience so that we 和 our clients gain a richer underst和ing of the relationship customers or employees have with an organization 和 这个工具s they rely on. 我们知道我们可以用今天的数字工具改进什么, 但我们也暴露了新的机会领域,在那里数字, 或者其他解决方案, 能满足新的需求.

Currently, I am working on a project with a client who’s a data provider. 这个数据提供者想要清理他们的工具的用户体验. We started the project with a basic heuristic evaluation 和 honestly, 从用户体验的角度来看, 我们可以停在这里. 有很多唾手可得的东西, 一次解决, 会迅速改善使用该工具的用户体验吗. But, with 世界杯押注’s research driven methodology, we also turned to the users. We did research taking a 服务设计 approach 和 went 除了 the UX of 这个工具.

We gathered an underst和ing of the customers’ day-to-day job 和 how our client’s tool fit into their workflows. 在这种情况下, we learned that users currently only access 这个工具 to download raw data, 和 after that turn to spreadsheets 和 other tools to analyze 和 visualize that data. 用户打印电子表格和图表, 手动突出显示特定的数据点, 然后与他们的销售目标分享这些数据.

Through our research, we were able to tell a complete story of these users. We were able to clearly articulate the role the client tool plays today while also highlighting opportunities to meet additional user needs. 我们和我们的客户一起世界杯押注,以转移到 服务 并为他们的客户提供一种工具 提供价值 在他们世界杯押注的许多阶段,而不是 只是 原始数据提供程序.

这就是为什么 服务设计 思考公司的重要事项. 服务设计 opens the scope to the full experience a customer or employee may have with a company, 除了 只是用户体验. 作为服务设计师, we can better approach a problem by underst和ing an experience as a whole instead of limiting ourselves to only the digital interface—because not everything is going to be solved with digital. 服务设计 allows us to first underst和 the problem 和 then provide the best solution for that problem across all 接触点, 数字化与否.


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