The Think Blog


Illustration by Sarah Kula Marketing Designer

Pharmaceutical companies face unique content strategy challenges. These businesses often need to connect multiple brands, websites, tools, 并将数字平台整合到一个统一的体验中,为医疗保健专业人员提供即时需求. 有这么多内容(以及多个品牌和用户体验需要考虑), 如果没有适当的指导,构建真正的全渠道体验可能会令人望而生畏.

一个执行良好的全渠道策略会在客户旅程的正确时刻以客户喜欢的格式提供正确的内容. Each “channel” (website, app, portal, etc.) works together to meet the user’s needs, and content is consistent and responsive across all channels. 内容也应该在每个渠道上不断发展,以满足不断发展的客户需求.

世界杯押注 has deep expertise in helping pharmaceutical leaders navigate these challenges. 我们将分享一些创建这种统一数字体验的关键策略 managing an array of content, considering various healthcare professionals in your audience, and navigating several brand experiences.

How to start building a pharmaceutical omnichannel experience

Research 跨品牌和渠道构建整体数字体验的基础是什么. Understanding your user journey through customer journey mapping 能否帮助您在客户的生命周期或与您的组织合作中连接客户的需求和需求之间的点, 以及在关键时刻为客户提供最佳服务的渠道和内容. 


Understanding your content ecosystem and processes

你还需要了解你现在有什么内容,以及你可能需要填补哪些内容空白,以最好地满足客户的需求. 您的内容是否以客户喜欢的格式和设备提供? 哪些内容改进或转换可以帮助您在关键决策时刻与受众建立世界杯押注平台? 您目前是否有在医学大会等现场活动中使用的内容可以从数字交付中受益? 

Activities like content inventories, audits, and ecosystem mapping can help you identify what content you have today, where it originates, and how it is being created, approved, delivered, and updated. 

Large healthcare and pharmaceutical 组织还可以从内容流程和世界杯押注流映射中获益,以突出内容筒仓, bottlenecks, redundancy, and churn. What efficiencies can you find in your content operations? 也许两个独立的团队正在花费宝贵的资源创造类似的内容. 也许有一些方法可以让关键内容资产同时被多个渠道创建和批准. 

Moving toward structured content

在创作、审核、批准和发布过程中需要花费大量的时间和精力 content in regulated industries. 所有这些努力的结果应该是内容准备好在每个相关渠道中共享. Can you automatically pull your product descriptions, safety information, and other prevalent chunks of content from a single data source? 您的组织如何使用内容标记或元数据来帮助实现跨渠道和体验的自动化交付? 

With a structured content approach, 你可以更接近于一次创建和批准资产,然后将其发布到任何地方.

Common problems (and how to solve them)

当组织试图转向全渠道体验时,我们看到的最重要的问题是,利益相关者认为他们知道哪些数据对用户最重要. While gut instincts can be valuable in some creative endeavors, 通常,您应该对用户的需求和时间有更具体的了解.

Ready to take on the challenge?


You can do this by including time for analytics, UX research, and feedback loops in your content creation process. 这将产生一种用户体验,感觉上具有凝聚力,并且能够响应实际用户需求. 与视觉设计团队成员定期进行同步和协作会议也有助于确保他们正在创建的组件和元素更好地符合内容需求和需求. These collaborative sessions can include:

  • Discussing examples of how content should live on page layouts
  • 共享哪些组件适合公共类别和主题
  • 学习最佳实践,使内容和视觉效果创造视觉和谐,有助于更好地理解您的网站或产品

Another common issue is a need for more support and pull-through for content strategy and governance. 在重要的监管限制和较长的审批周期内世界杯押注, 制药领域的内容创作者可能会过度依赖过去运行良好的实践和格式. 团队可能年复一年地重新创建相同的客户演示文稿或PDF,而不考虑其内容和格式是否适合客户,也没有通过所有相关渠道获得批准.

To combat the status quo and change behaviors, 您的组织必须投入时间和资源来社会化全渠道内容方法行为. Showcasing success stories, sharing best practices, breaking down silos, 提供培训和支持可以帮助人们规划和执行全渠道方法.

Omnichannel experiences for pharmaceutical companies

The unique marketing challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies can be overcome. An omnichannel pharma experience that connects multiple brands, websites, tools, 数字平台可以为用户带来真正的价值,同时最大化营销团队的努力. 世界杯押注拥有丰富的经验,可以帮助制药行业的领导者进行导航 digital transformation and establish a content creation strategy that serves customers, medical professionals, and their business needs.

了解世界杯押注如何帮助您的企业创造全渠道体验. Chat with our experts today! 

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